

open sets

In a metric space $\Omega$  we shall define open sets. Given sets $A,B\subset \Omega$  and
the distance function $d(x,y)$ .

We call a set $B(x,\delta)\in\Omega$  a open ball centered at a point $x$  which has the radius $\delta$  if, for any element $x\in\Omega$ and a real number $\delta>0$ , $B$  is a set $\left\{ y | d(x,y)<\delta \right\}$ .

Using a open ball, a set $A$ is called a neighbourhood of $x$  if $A$ has a subset $B(x,\delta)$ .

Open sets in $\Omega$  is the set in which all elements has a neighbourhood of the element
and which contains the neighbourhood.

Namely, a set $O$  is called open if, for any point $x\in O$ . there is a real number $\delta$ 
such that a set $\left\{ y | d(x,y)<\delta \right\}$ belongs to $O$ .

$R^n$  is open and the empty set $\phi$ is too. (After this, you will find that these two sets are also closed sets. )

Open sets are the base of topological space.


direct product

If two sets $A$  and $B$ are given, we are able to make ordered combinations of each element of the set. Namely if $a\in A$  and $b\in B$ , one of ordered combinations is $(a,b)$ . These are called direct product. We will show all combinations $A\times  B$ . Hence,

$A\times B=\left\{ (a,b) | a\in A, b\in B \right\}$

You have to note that direct product is ordered. Therefore, $(a,b)$  is not equal to $(b,a)$ . Because two sets are arbitrary, $A=B$  is allowed. If $A=B=\mathbb{R}$ , $(a,b)$ means the point of Cartesian coordinates of $\mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R}=\mathbb{R}^2$ .  Then, elements $a$  and $b$  become coordinate axes.

Direct product is expanded over two sets. Given n sets, it means n-dimensional space. You must have known $\mathbb{R}^3$ very well. Having already proved, you may still remember that, for $C=\left\{ 0,1 \right\}$   ,
$C^{\infty}=\left\{ 0,1 \right\}\times \left\{ 0,1 \right\}\times \cdots$
is uncountable.