

axiomatic sets 11 (making a subset)

Making a subset $y$  of a set $x$ , we will use a formula $P(z)$ in the preceding post .

It is a statement of properties which all elements $z$ of the subset $y$ has.
\[ \forall x\exists y \forall z[z\in y \leftrightarrow z\in x\wedge P(z)] \]

That is to say,
\[ z\in y=\left\{z\in x : P(z)  \right\} \]
It is called axiom schema of separation, abstruction or subset.

It is not an axiom because there can be many statements $P(z)$ .

Although $P(z)$  must satisfy the promise, as we can not write all $P(z)$  of subsets,
Axiom schema has been used.

As a simple example, let $P(z)$  be $z\in w$ . Then,
\[  y=\left\{ z\in x : z\in w \right\} .  \]
We call $y$ the intersection of $x$  and $w$ , and
we write $y=x\cap w$ .
Therefore, $x\cap w=w\cap x$ .

You must note that $\left\{z\in x : P(z)  \right\}$ is different to $\left\{z : P(z)  \right\}$ .

Axiom schema of separation is very important for avoiding the paradoxes.

( This is the 100th post. )

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