Arithmetics in rational numbers are defined as follow.
Given two rational numbers $x=(a,b)$ and $y=(m,n)$ ,where $a,b,m,n$ are integers and $b,n$ are not zero.
The addition is
\[ x+y=(a,b)+(m,n)=(an+bm,bn) . \]
The multiplication is
\[ xy=(a,b)(m,n)=(am,bn) \]
,where "+" is the addition and "$an$" means the multiplication of integers "$a$" and "$n$".
The magnitude relations "$\gt$", "$=$", and "$\lt$" are
\[ x\gt y \quad \mbox{if and only if }\quad an\gt bm , \]
\[ x= y \quad \mbox{if and only if }\quad an= bm \]
\[ x\lt y \quad \mbox{if and only if }\quad an\lt bm . \]
We say that $x$ is from above "greater than", "equivalent to" ,and "less than" $y$ .
The exponents are;
\[ x^0=1 \]
,where "1" is the rational number "1", (i.e. $1=[(1,1)]$ .)
\[ x^1=x=(a,b) , \]
\[ x^2=xx=(aa,bb) , \]
\[ x^3=(xx)x=((aa)a,(bb)b) \]
,and so on.
Immediately we will get $x^rx^s=x^{r+s}$ .
If $a$ and $b$ are not zero ,then
\[ x^{-1}=(a,b)^{-1}=(b,a) . \]
This is an inverse element of multiplication.
That is,
\[ xx^{-1}=(a,b)(b,a)=(ab,ab)=1 \]
,where "1" is the rational number "1".
We will ordinarily denote $x^{-1}=\frac{1}{x}$ .
More over, $x^{-2}=\frac{1}{x^2}$ , $x^{-3}=\frac{1}{x^3}$ and so on.
More generally, we will write $x^{-1}y=yx^{-1}=\frac{y}{x}$ .
(It is called the quotient. )
The definition of $x^{c}\quad (0\lt c\lt 1)$ is complicated and not easy.
Given a rational number $w(\gt 0)$ and $w^2=ww=z$ ,
then we will define and denote $z^{\frac{1}{2}}=w$ .
In same way, if $w^3=z$, then $z^{\frac{1}{3}}=w$ ,and so on.
However, for any rational number $z$ , we know that there does not exist a rational number $z^{\frac{1}{2}}$ .
(in the preceding post, we have proven $2^{\frac{1}{2}}=\sqrt{2}$ is not a rational number. )
Unfortunately, we can not always assert $x^{c}\quad (0\lt c\lt 1)$ is in rational numbers.
(Although it is necessary to prove, almost numbers $x^{c}$ are not rational numbers. )
In addition, we have known many numbers such $\pi$ and $e$ are not rational numbers.
Thus irrational numbers and real numbers will be needed.
axiomatic sets 23 (types of numbers)
There are some kinds of numbers. Let us list these samples up.
The empty set means the number "0", that is, $\phi=\left\{ \right\}=0$ .
We will see that "0" is $0_N$ in natural numbers.
The natural number "1" is the set whose member is only the empty set, $1_N=\left\{\phi\right\}$ .
The natural number "2" is the set whose members are natural numbers "0" and "1",
$2_N=\left\{0_N,1_N \right\}=\left\{\phi,\left\{\phi\right\} \right\}$ .
The integer "0" is the ordered pair class $0_Z=[(0_N,0_N)]$ ,
but it's class has only one element $(0_N,0_N)$ .
The non negative integer "1" is $[(1,0)]$ ,where "1" is the natural number $1_N$, and "[ ]" means a equivalent class. Therefore,
\[ 1_Z=[(1_N,0_N)]=[(\left\{\phi\right\},\phi)]=[(\left\{\left\{ \right\}\right\},\left\{ \right\})] \]
As the equivalent relation is for two integers $(a_N,b_N),(c_N,d_N)$ ,
$a_N+d_N=b_N+c_N$ must be satisfied,
you have to note that $(1_N,0_N)\sim (2_N,1_N)\sim (3_N,2_N)\sim\cdots$ .
Those are in $1_Z$ ,and we use every elements as $1_Z$ .
The non negative integer "2" is also the ordered pair class $[(2_N,0_N)]=2_Z$ ,
The negative integer "-2" is $[(0_N,2_N)]=-2_Z$ .
The rational number "0" is also the ordered pair class $[(0,a)]$ ,where $a$ is an arbitrary integer, but not zero, and "[ ]" means a equivalent class.
\[ 0_Q=[(0_Z,a_Z)]=[([(0_N,0_N)],[(a_N,0_N)])] . \]
The equivalent relation on rational numbers is for two rational nummbers $(p_Z,q_Z),(r_Z,s_Z)$
(and $q_Z,s_Z\ne 0)$, $p_Zs_Z=q_Zr_Z$ must be satisfied.
The non negative rational number "1" is $[(1,1)]$ ,where "1" is the integer number "$1_Z$".
\[ 1_Q=[(1_Z,1_Z)]=[([(\left\{\phi\right\},\phi)],[(\left\{\phi\right\},\phi)])] , \]
and for $x\in 1_Q$ ,
\[ x\sim (1_Z,1_Z)\sim (-1_Z,-1_Z)\sim (2_Z,2_Z)\sim (-2_Z,-2_Z)\sim (3_Z,3_Z)\sim\cdots \]
By same way, $2_Q=[(2_Z,1_Z)]=\left\{(2_Z,1_Z),(-2_Z,-1_Z),(4_Z,2_Z),(-4_Z,-2_Z),(6_Z,3_Z),\cdots \right\}$ .
You will find these kinds of numbers are constructed by $\phi$ and axioms of sets.
Please try to make some types of numbers.
The empty set means the number "0", that is, $\phi=\left\{ \right\}=0$ .
We will see that "0" is $0_N$ in natural numbers.
The natural number "1" is the set whose member is only the empty set, $1_N=\left\{\phi\right\}$ .
The natural number "2" is the set whose members are natural numbers "0" and "1",
$2_N=\left\{0_N,1_N \right\}=\left\{\phi,\left\{\phi\right\} \right\}$ .
The integer "0" is the ordered pair class $0_Z=[(0_N,0_N)]$ ,
but it's class has only one element $(0_N,0_N)$ .
The non negative integer "1" is $[(1,0)]$ ,where "1" is the natural number $1_N$, and "[ ]" means a equivalent class. Therefore,
\[ 1_Z=[(1_N,0_N)]=[(\left\{\phi\right\},\phi)]=[(\left\{\left\{ \right\}\right\},\left\{ \right\})] \]
As the equivalent relation is for two integers $(a_N,b_N),(c_N,d_N)$ ,
$a_N+d_N=b_N+c_N$ must be satisfied,
you have to note that $(1_N,0_N)\sim (2_N,1_N)\sim (3_N,2_N)\sim\cdots$ .
Those are in $1_Z$ ,and we use every elements as $1_Z$ .
The non negative integer "2" is also the ordered pair class $[(2_N,0_N)]=2_Z$ ,
The negative integer "-2" is $[(0_N,2_N)]=-2_Z$ .
The rational number "0" is also the ordered pair class $[(0,a)]$ ,where $a$ is an arbitrary integer, but not zero, and "[ ]" means a equivalent class.
\[ 0_Q=[(0_Z,a_Z)]=[([(0_N,0_N)],[(a_N,0_N)])] . \]
The equivalent relation on rational numbers is for two rational nummbers $(p_Z,q_Z),(r_Z,s_Z)$
(and $q_Z,s_Z\ne 0)$, $p_Zs_Z=q_Zr_Z$ must be satisfied.
The non negative rational number "1" is $[(1,1)]$ ,where "1" is the integer number "$1_Z$".
\[ 1_Q=[(1_Z,1_Z)]=[([(\left\{\phi\right\},\phi)],[(\left\{\phi\right\},\phi)])] , \]
and for $x\in 1_Q$ ,
\[ x\sim (1_Z,1_Z)\sim (-1_Z,-1_Z)\sim (2_Z,2_Z)\sim (-2_Z,-2_Z)\sim (3_Z,3_Z)\sim\cdots \]
By same way, $2_Q=[(2_Z,1_Z)]=\left\{(2_Z,1_Z),(-2_Z,-1_Z),(4_Z,2_Z),(-4_Z,-2_Z),(6_Z,3_Z),\cdots \right\}$ .
You will find these kinds of numbers are constructed by $\phi$ and axioms of sets.
Please try to make some types of numbers.