Arithmetics in rational numbers are defined as follow.
Given two rational numbers $x=(a,b)$ and $y=(m,n)$ ,where $a,b,m,n$ are integers and $b,n$ are not zero.
The addition is
\[ x+y=(a,b)+(m,n)=(an+bm,bn) . \]
The multiplication is
\[ xy=(a,b)(m,n)=(am,bn) \]
,where "+" is the addition and "$an$" means the multiplication of integers "$a$" and "$n$".
The magnitude relations "$\gt$", "$=$", and "$\lt$" are
\[ x\gt y \quad \mbox{if and only if }\quad an\gt bm , \]
\[ x= y \quad \mbox{if and only if }\quad an= bm \]
\[ x\lt y \quad \mbox{if and only if }\quad an\lt bm . \]
We say that $x$ is from above "greater than", "equivalent to" ,and "less than" $y$ .
The exponents are;
\[ x^0=1 \]
,where "1" is the rational number "1", (i.e. $1=[(1,1)]$ .)
\[ x^1=x=(a,b) , \]
\[ x^2=xx=(aa,bb) , \]
\[ x^3=(xx)x=((aa)a,(bb)b) \]
,and so on.
Immediately we will get $x^rx^s=x^{r+s}$ .
If $a$ and $b$ are not zero ,then
\[ x^{-1}=(a,b)^{-1}=(b,a) . \]
This is an inverse element of multiplication.
That is,
\[ xx^{-1}=(a,b)(b,a)=(ab,ab)=1 \]
,where "1" is the rational number "1".
We will ordinarily denote $x^{-1}=\frac{1}{x}$ .
More over, $x^{-2}=\frac{1}{x^2}$ , $x^{-3}=\frac{1}{x^3}$ and so on.
More generally, we will write $x^{-1}y=yx^{-1}=\frac{y}{x}$ .
(It is called the quotient. )
The definition of $x^{c}\quad (0\lt c\lt 1)$ is complicated and not easy.
Given a rational number $w(\gt 0)$ and $w^2=ww=z$ ,
then we will define and denote $z^{\frac{1}{2}}=w$ .
In same way, if $w^3=z$, then $z^{\frac{1}{3}}=w$ ,and so on.
However, for any rational number $z$ , we know that there does not exist a rational number $z^{\frac{1}{2}}$ .
(in the preceding post, we have proven $2^{\frac{1}{2}}=\sqrt{2}$ is not a rational number. )
Unfortunately, we can not always assert $x^{c}\quad (0\lt c\lt 1)$ is in rational numbers.
(Although it is necessary to prove, almost numbers $x^{c}$ are not rational numbers. )
In addition, we have known many numbers such $\pi$ and $e$ are not rational numbers.
Thus irrational numbers and real numbers will be needed.
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