We got all natural numbers.
\[ 0=\left\{ \right\}, \quad n+1=n\cup\left\{n\right\}\quad (n\ge 0) \]
You are able to know any natural numbers which you desire, increasing one by one.
However, it is not a set or collection of all natural numbers.
In the set $\mathbb{N}=\left\{0,1,2,\cdots \right\}$ ,
'・・・' does not mean any natural number.
No matter how a large number, it does not mean '・・・'.
Hence, the axiom is needed.
\[ \exists x \forall y[y\in x\rightarrow (y\cup\left\{ y \right\})\in x] \]
It is called an axiom of infinity.
There can be exists a set whose elements are infinite.
Let $y$ be $0$ , the set $x$ is the set of all natural numbers.
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